The team

Were are an experienced team of individuals, with a combined total of more than 100 years of direct experience of working in health and social care, at both board and clinical level.

Our approaches are built on in-depth experience of how it feels to be on the inside, so we examine obstacles and pose potential solutions whilst understanding the need for careful handling. While our services are not unique, we couple these with training, a personalised approach and the experience and application of knowledge to real-life situations, bringing increased impact and success to individuals and organisations across the country.

Kirstie Stott – Managing Director

Kirstie Stott is an Executive Coach and NLP practitioner with a whole host of leadership experiences underpinning her practice. She is a successful entrepreneur who worked in the NHS for 18 years prior to establishing ‘The Inspiring Leaders Network’. Kirstie originally trained as an RGN in 1998 and worked in a clinical capacity for 14 years, working mainly in emergency and unscheduled care.  She is an alumni of the NHS GMTS and has worked across the NHS at local regional and national level positions.

In 2014 Kirstie became Director of The Inspiring Leaders Network Ltd, offering programmes of inclusive leadership development, and this is where her passion lies, she thrives on seeing others develop and reach their full potential.

In 2016 Kirstie founded ‘Equilibrium’ an organisation, which support’s organisations and individuals to realise the benefits of working flexibly. The aim of Equilibrium is to build a better future for both employees and organisations across the Public Sector to enhance quality, efficiency, Health and Wellbeing and innovation, which lead to better service user outcomes.

Kirstie has written many publications about her passion, which is inclusion, diversity and equality in leadership and has been published in the HSJ, Nursing Times, NHS England and Guardian Healthcare.  She also wrote her Masters thesis on Women Leaders in the NHS. Kirstie was recognised as one of the HSJ Rising Stars 2015.

Kirstie has been described by others as an authentic and value driven , who has the ability to build rapport, be supportive and make her clients feel comfortable, when exploring what is often enviably uncomfortable. Yet she can still be direct and challenging when necessary to stretch her clients thinking and personal awareness. Her courageous conversations and tenacity can only encourage individual growth, self-awareness, personal insights and lead to people being more comfortable in testing a range of leadership behaviours.

Kirstie looks forward to working with you and supporting you in your growth and development.

Nicky Ingham BA (Hons) FCIPD MSc HR Leadership NLP Practitioner – Programme Delivery Partner

Nicky is the Executive Director for the Healthcare People Management Association (HPMA) and Chief Executive of her own successful HR and OD Consultancy.

Nicky has 24 years’ experience working with organisations in a variety of workforce roles. With over 15 years as Executive Director of Workforce and OD, Nicky has significant experience in leading organisational transformation, change programmes, developing organisational models, organisational turnaround, development of strategy and underpinning strategic engagement and communications strategies.

Nicky is adept at providing constructive challenge and being a critical friend to support transition, both on an individual and team level. Recent experience includes working with ambiguity across organisational boundaries in supporting system change across the Fylde Coast Local Delivery Plan with commissioners and local authorities.

A focused values-driven individual who can quickly grasp the strategic, operational and organisational issues involved in an organisation. A self-starter with excellent interpersonal skills, a good communicator who can establish credibility at all levels of an organisation. Highly motivated and results focused. With strong leadership skills and experience, Nicky is agile and passionate about supporting others to realise their full potential and inspire change in themselves and for themselves.

Leading and implementing cultural change programmes, Nicky provides a holistic approach to transformation using her unique style and partnership approach to best effect ensuring ownership at all levels. An experienced coach and mentor to a broad range of stakeholders from board level to grassroots staff, Nicky’s approach is refreshing, vibrant and forward thinking. An accomplished Chair working nationally, regionally and locally to effect system wide change. Previous HPMA HRD of the Year 2010.

Marie Thompson RN BSC Hons MSC PGCE – Programme Delivery Partner

Marie joined the NHS in 1985 and qualified as a Registered Nurse in 1988.

She has worked in the NHS for 34 years in a variety of clinical, educational and senior leadership roles spanning Acute, Acute & Community and Higher Education.

In 2009 Marie was appointed as Executive Director of Nursing & Quality in a large integrated Acute & Community Foundation Trust.  She served on the board for more than 10 years and gained significant experience of working as a corporate board director in a challenged trust.  She has considerable experience of leading people and bringing about change and improvement; one of her passions is supporting people to be at their best so they can provide excellent service and care to the people they serve.
Marie is also an independent director of a Lancashire based social housing company. She left her full time employment with the NHS to pursue new opportunities that would offer greater flexibility whilst enabling her to ‘give back’ to the NHS.

Dr Matt Walsh – Associate Delivery Partner

35 years with and for the NHS as a doctor, clinical leader, senior executive, coach, and mentor, who says “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for. I am still curious to know what it is really all about.” Matt believe we truly only have 5 things; our words, our courage, our relationships, our choices, and our willingness to support each other. He hoping that during this phase of his life, as he continues to learn and grow, he can help others to travel a journey into the heart of their leadership, to think about the way they use their gifts to enrich their experience of work, to enrich the experience of others, and to find ways to notice the beauty along the way.

Ismail Hafeji – Associate Delivery Partner

A strategic and operational former NHS Director of Finance with over 14 years of board level experience and an outstanding track record of implementing financial strategies, delivering statutory duties, and building organisational resilience. Ismail is respected and recognised across the finance community, leading change and setting strategic direction. He has an engaging personal style and highly developed communication skills which he makes ongoing use of an executive coach and mentor. He also boasts an excellent understanding of health systems having operated as a Commissioner, Provider, and as part of the regional team. 

Kevan Taylor – Programme Delivery Partner

Kevan has extensive experience within health and care. A Social Care Practitioner by background, he started his career in the Voluntary Sector and Local Authority, initially as a mental health Practitioner and latterly in Service Development and Planning.

He joined the NHS within primary care and commissioning, eventually being Director of Commissioning for a Health Authority. He joined a Community, mental health and learning disability Trust as an Executive Director and was Chief Executive of Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust for 18 years.

Having worked in both the Local Authority and the NHS, and having been both a Commissioner and a Provider CEO, Kevan has considerable insight to the “politics” and behaviours behind system working – how we all need to lead beyond our specific Organisational authority and the opportunities and challenges that brings.

Building on this experience Kevan was the lead Chief Executive for the Sheffield Accountable Care Partnership and latterly the System Lead for Workforce and Health for South Yorkshire Integrated Care System, leading on the people plan, work and health, the Voluntary Sector and liaison with Sheffield City Region.

He has extensive experience of mentoring and coaching and a particular interest in issues of diversity. Developing and maintaining personal and organisational resilience is key to his approach as he believes most of us show nothing like the compassion to ourselves that we consistently give to others.

Ten years ago he established the partnership between mental health services in Sheffield and Gulu in Northern Uganda. This partnership is now very well established and benefiting both communities in Sheffield and Uganda.

Dave Thornton – Associate Delivery Partner

 A successful and sought after Executive Coach and ‘top team’ developer for a range of organisations across the UK and beyond.

Dave is direct, challenging, and yet supportive of individuals and teams as they unlock their potential. It is described that his sessions are like conversations with real purpose that create movement and yet required courage. His sessions specialise in behaviours that make people more effective, keeping them healthy and in turn helping set value-based cultures across organisations.

Tracey Moss – Programme Co-ordinator 

Tracey has a wealth of NHS experience and supports the planning and co-ordination of the work we do at ILN. This ensures the smooth running of our programmes, interventions, and development opportunities.




Rudy – Director of Well-being & Happiness

Extensive experience in bringing happiness to people, offering a feel-good factor and ability to support the team to get outside more for walks.

Rudy has attended many online programmes by the ILN and has the right qualities to distract people.

Loveable mischief maker, snack scavenger, and spotlight stealer.